If you’ve been fighting to get flat, sexy abs and burn up belly fat with traditional workouts, then you are going to love these five unusual abdominal exercising & diet tips.
During the last thirteen years as being a trainer as well as athlete, I’ve been mastering every research and specialist study I can buy about the best way being flat abs. Today, you’ll discover five weird tips you may not know when it comes to getting a flat stomach as well as firm abs.
#1 – The best interval training work-to-rest ratio for losing belly fat could possibly be 1-to-1.5.
In an Australian study, scientists found that performing intervals for eight secs followed by 12 seconds of rest resulted in significantly more belly fat burning compared to long slow cardio. Now I understand that eight seconds on and 12 seconds off seems a little annoying (just try doing that on a machine), however, the good news is that these scientists discovered that going for 24 seconds followed by a
Thirty six second sleep works equally well for improving fat loss hormones.
#2 – Dr. Chris Mohr’s #1 unusual diet application is…
I just finished up a alpilean weight loss loss diet job interview with Dr. Mohr and he said that his simple, but somewhat weird #1 diet plan suggestion for fat reduction is…
“Get almost all of the carbohydrates of yours from vegetables.” and fruits
I really liked that tip since I have been telling people this for years, and it’s part of the Weight loss Foundation you’ll find out in a Simple Nutrition program.